Foundation for Research and Innovation – F.R.I. promoted by the University of Florence, Città Metropolitana and Foundation CR Firenze aims at technology transfer and higher education, thus fostering relationships between Enterprises and Universities, with a particular attention devoted to funding opportunities for innovation and a spotlight on entrepreneurship and innovative thinking.
F.R.I. is particularly involved in the organization of events as well as the participation into territorial initiatives so as to highlight the results of research thus contributing to the diffusion of a culture of innovation. FRI also carries out multidisciplinary strategic projects focusing on social and productive challenges in order to strengthen synergies among Universities, Enterprises and Institutions.
F.R.I. was established in 2007 by the University of Florence (promoting partner), the Provinces and the Chambers of Commerce of Florence, Prato and Pistoia with Professor Alberto Del Bimbo as President-in-Office until 2010, then with Professor Marco Bellandi, Professor Andrea Arnone and now with Professor Marco Pierini.
In 2010, F.R.I. with the University of Florence as promoting partner together with the Province of Florence, enrolled in the legal register of the regional authority and obtained its legal status of “Foundation”.
In January 2015 the Province was replaced by the “Città Metropolitana” of Florence.
The Board of Directors is constituted by University Members and Members of the “Città Metropolitana” and of Bank Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze as well. The President is elected among University Members.
Currently, F.R.I. employs seven specialised experts having multidisciplinary competencies in the field of innovation: six of them have permanent work, one has a fixed-term contract, plus two scholarships. Also several external experts and trainers collaborate with F.R.I.
It has participated in numerous Regional, National, European and International Projects and thanks to the support of its Technology Agents, he has followed projects between companies and research centers / suppliers.
In the last years Annual Financial Statements of the Foundation were positive.