Projects in progress

National Technolology Cluster Smart CommunitiesTech

SmartCommunitiesTech is the National Technology Cluster devoted to Technologies for Smart Communities aiming at the improvement of the quality of life and environmental sustainability. The Cluster, set up thanks to funding by the Ministry of Education (MIUR), is a network of enterprises, research centres and institutions. Its main goal is to foster and support the development and implementation of innovative models of social integration intended to offer solutions to problems on an urban and metropolitan scale:

  • Mobility
  • Safety and security
  • Territorial monitoring
  • Healthcare and wellbeing
  • Education and training
  • Tourism and cultural heritage
  • E-government
  • Energy efficiency and environmental sustainability

Torino Wireless promotes, develops and coordinates the Cluster; F.R.I. is here involved as a partner of the management Consortium together with subjects aiming at territorial development belonging to other italian Regions: Aster and Lepida (Emilia Romagna), Cluster SCC (Lombardy), DHITECH Technology District (Apulia), Hub Innovation Trentino (Trentino Alto Adige), SIIT – Technology District for Integrated Intelligent Systems (Liguria), Lazio Innova (Lazio), while Valle d’Aosta and Umbria are now in the process of joining the Consortium.
