2nd SME Greeen Skills HUB newsletter
Last June 2nd SME Green Skills Hub project- Supporting the implementation of the SDGs in SMEs through VET(https://smegreenskillshub.eu) newsletter was out (read it here). Such project is co-funded by Erasmus+ programme and is related to United Nations’ 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development Goals. The project itself wants to bring new green skills within SMEs, fostering green sectorial skills through innovative and new generation training methods.
The mentioned newsletter talks about:
· the first results achieved by the project, namely the European Competence Framework, a document necessary to bring the Sustainable Development Goals into SMEs
· the Virtual Campus that will be launched next autumn
· the training event of February 2022 for project partners’ staff
· the third technical meeting of the project which was held in Valladolid.
The first newsletter was mentioned in another news on FRI website, dating back to December 2021, here (Italian only): http://www.fondazionericercaunifi.it/newsletter-1-sme-green-skills-hub_12953.html
A quick update on the next project progresses: next autumn FRI will host a project event right here in Florence, more information will be given as soon as the agenda and dates are defined! It will be similar to the one that took place in February 2022 in Istanbul and which was targeting project partners’ staff to train them on the 6 units developed in the previous months, as part of a pilot curriculum to implement the Sustainable Development Goals within SMEs. Moreover, during the event it was discussed how to develop innovative and attractive contents as part of the virtual campus on VOOC (Vocational Open Online Courses), dynamic evaluation methods using ad hoc tools such as H5P (HTML 5 Package, a free and open source software to create, share and reuse interactive HTML5 contents, such as interactive videos and presentations, quizzes, and more), how to implement the Online Instructional Guide on Digital Competences for Virtual Learning. This is the report of the previous event: https://smegreenskillshub.eu/short-term-joint-staff-training-takes-place-in-istanbul/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=subject_2