CHARTER Alliance releases new report about cultural heritage stakeholders’ roles and dynamics

The European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance CHARTER, Erasmus+ funded project, has released a new report: “Who is not a stakeholder in cultural heritage?” by Work Package 4 (WP4) – Sector integrated dynamics. 

Who is a stakeholder in cultural heritage? What roles do the different stakeholders play and how do they interact? What are their interests and influence on education and training systems? These are the key questions CHARTER’s new report addresses, looking at cultural heritage as an economic sector and labour market with interacting stakeholders in anticipated roles, whose dynamics, skills and competences will affect the quality of heritage as a resource and common good.

The report follows the understanding of “cultural heritage” and “stakeholder” presented by the European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21stCentury (ST21), where the need for a definition of the roles of everyone involved in heritage is established. To this end, WP4 has conducted an extensive mapping of stakeholder at internal and external level through an online survey at European level (1.085 responses from 30 countries), internal surveys for project’s partners, review of policy and research background and documentation of the CHARTER’s regional workshops and in-depth interviews. 

CHARTER has already shared its own take on the cultural heritage sector presenting it as an ecosystem encompassing six functions: Management, Research & Development/Education, Governance & Policy Making, Preservation & Safeguarding, Engagement & Use, Recognition. This new report enters the ecosystem to explore the interaction and agency of stakeholders and corroborative functions, with the challenges and drivers that have an impact on the ecosystem at large. 

Learn more accessing the Full report.


CHARTER, the European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance, brings together and represents the whole range of the cultural heritage sector in Europe. The 47 project partners strive towards making apparent the value of cultural heritage and creating a resilient and responsive sector.

CHARTER works towards creating a lasting, comprehensive strategy that will guarantee Europe has the necessary cultural heritage skills to support sustainable societies and economies.The Erasmus+ funded project maps the current and future needs of the sector to bridge the gap of skills shortages and mismatches between the educational and occupational fields.

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