NEW CHARTER Alliance Report: Mid-term results and recommendations for the cultural heritage sector

The European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance CHARTER, Erasmus+ funded project, has released a new report: “Mid-term results – Matrix and Methodology Assessment” by Work Package 2 (WP2 – Strategic analysis of cultural heritage competences and occupational profiles). Looking back at the sector analysis performed and the different models and methodologies designed to identify competences profiles, this report provides new inputs and conclusions to the work carried out since the start of the project. 

The report is divided into two parts. The first part provides an overview of heritage theory, the heritage sector, and the role of heritage in contemporary society, examining emerging trends, stakeholder interactions, and the transversal nature of heritage values. It also explores international declarations and conventions related to the new heritage agenda and their implications for professional practitioners.

The second part of the report analyses the heritage sector, considering its rapid evolution and the adaptability of professions to emerging circumstances. It acknowledges the challenges faced and the expansion of skills and knowledge within the professional toolkit. In this line, the methodology for self-mapping skills and competences, developed and tested by CHARTER, is brought up to assess its capacity to make visible the various combinations of competences among practitioners and the gaps that need to be addressed in training and education.

From the assessment presented in the report, it can be pointed out that while the sector is progressing towards values-driven and people-centred heritage, there is still work to be done to fully understand and support its potential. To achieve this, future policies should focus on providing resources and infrastructure to deliver public benefit through participatory processesinvesting in training and education at all levels to promote participation and democratic values, and integrating participatory governance structures for effective decision-making.

Ensuring the future of heritage requires using it, embracing continuous changeinnovation, and adaptation, while maintaining sustainability. A healthy heritage ecosystem is one where participatory processes generate knowledge and collective wisdom, shaping and enhancing the preservation and expression of multiple heritages. Change and innovation, when combined with intellectual credibility and moral maturity, indicate a functioning system where management involves participative negotiation of change.

Continue reading the Full Report in the Results section of CHARTER’s website.


CHARTER, the European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance, brings together and represents the whole range of the cultural heritage sector in Europe. The 47 project partners strive towards making apparent the value of cultural heritage and creating a resilient and responsive sector.

CHARTER works towards creating a lasting, comprehensive strategy that will guarantee Europe has the necessary cultural heritage skills to support sustainable societies and economies.The Erasmus+ funded project maps the current and future needs of the sector to bridge the gap of skills shortages and mismatches between the educational and occupational fields.

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