ICOB2015 – International Congress on Biophotonics


ICOB2015 – International Congress on Biophotonics
Villa La Quiete, Via di Boldrone n. 2 – 50100 Firenze
Opening: May 18th, h14 – Salone dei ‘500, Palazzo Vecchio, Firenze
MatchMaking event: May 19th, 2015 – 2pm – 7pm

The 4th International Congress on Biophotonics (ICOB 2015) will be the comprehensive event for the community worldwide. From medical and biological end users to decision makers from industry, ICOB 2015 addresses the different groups in Biophotonics with custom-tailored sessions. Apart from biomedical challenges and cutting-edge Biophotonics research, topics at ICOB 2015 will also cover the framework conditions like education and funding.

By bringing together the whole spectrum of experts in Biophotonics ICOB 2015 will take interdisciplinary networking to the next level and provide key individuals with what is necessary to increase success in the field.

In the Congress also a matchmaking session will be organised. Aim of this section is to facilitate networking and to bring together international potential business partners coming from industrial and academia. Thanks to a specific service available on line, participants will be able to define and manage their agenda of one-to-one meetings with the aim to expand their international network and to find and meet potential business partners.
To participate to the matchmaking event, it is necessary to be registered at the ICOB2015 International Congress: http://www.icob2015.org. By specifying during the registration your interest in the ICOB2015 matchmaking event, you will be invited after the registration process conclusion.

ICOB 2015 is organized by the European Laboratory for Non Linear Spectroscopy and Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology in cooperation with IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter within the “Florence Biophotonics Week” and COST Action Raman4Clinics BM 1401.

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