Projects in progress

In-Tour – INclusive TOURism professions. European curricula for accessible tourism manager and frontline staff

To learn more about the project, please check the official website or the related social networks:


In January 2020 FRI started a new project co-funded by the Erasmus+ program (the responsible entity at Eu level is the Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, EACEA, together with the National Agencies)  within Horizon 2020 framework, after the experience gained from 2015 to 2018 with Vector project (same program and framework). The project will last 36 months, ending in December 2022.
The new project, “In-Tour – INclusive TOURism professions. European curricula for accessible tourism manager and frontline staff” was financed within EAC/A03/2018 call, with project number 612643-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA and a total budget of €996,961.00.

In-Tour has the goal to define and implement two different curricula at EU level, respectively aiming to train managers and front-line staff within the inclusive tourism area. To get to this result, the project need to study, analyze and design the competences need to build two different curricula. Three partner countries will then develop 5 training curricula, specifically in Greece and Germany both the manager and front-line staff will be implemented, in Italy just the manager curriculum.

AISM (Italian Association for Multiple Sclerosis) entity is the Project Coordinator of 13 partners (14 in total) in 6 countries:

  • Belgium: EASPD – European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities, ENAT – European Network for Accessible Tourism, IAAPA – International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions
  • Germany: AFBB – Akademie für berufliche Bildung, FHD – Fachhochschule Dresden
  • Greece: Epimelitirio Ilias, Hellenic Open University,
  • Italy: Fondazione per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione, SI4LIFE, Università di Genova
  • Spain: CAMVA – Cámara de Comercio Valladolid, Criteria05
  • Sweden: Funka

Before the pandemic and before all the travel restriction among countries, parter got the chance to meet during  the Kick Off Meeting, held in Gonoa from 5th to 7th February 2020. Read the news here (italian only).

FRi is highly involved in almost all WPs, but especially in WP8- Quality Assurance, with the goal to monitor not just produced outputs, but also the way to work and to excchange information between partners. This process is fundamental to monitor and guarantee quality at 360°, and in such sense FRI produced questionnaires to be periodically shared with partners, whose results will be object of further quality analysis.

WP8 is led by AFBB, a german enetity operating in the field of professional education/training, and FRI in this WP is in charge ot produce:

  • A Quality Assurance Plan (QAP), in three different and updated versions
  • A Quality Assurance Report (QAR), in two updated versions

The first Quality Assurance Plan version was released and shared with the Project Coordinator in July 2020. In the meantime, another important deadline is quickly approaching, since in June 2020 we will produced an updated version of QAP and the Interim version fo QAR, where we will develop, among the many, an analysis on specific questionnaires that were distributed to the 14 partners during 2021 and aiming to assess project and activities management.

Project promotion.
Besides the mentioned official In-Tour channels, during Autumn 2020 some partners and stakeholders were interviewed and their contribution was used to produce a short video to explain the project, its aims and peculiarities. The video was then released during the Erasmus Days 2020.