CD-ETA – 5th Stakeholder Meeting

Our Interreg Europe project, CD-ETA, Collaborative Digitization of Natural and Cultural Heritage, went into its 5th Stakeholder Meeting: “Big data for historical sites management

Open GeoData, smart cities, building information modelling, geo-marketing, local information systems are just few of the many key words showing us how the data flow management via computer (digitization) and its spatial-shaped structure (geolocalization) are among the trends which are strongly influencing the society and the environment in which we are living.

  • Digitization of historical heritage and its environment
  • Creation of digital memory
  • Reengineering of building processes
  • Social capital investments

The 17th January we talked about the above mentioned topics during the Stakeholder Meeting held by Professor Grazia Tucci from GeCo Lab (Geomatics for environment and conservation of cultural heritage laboratory), with well-known representative of companies and institutions belonging to Florence area, who actively contributed with their reflections, experiences and expertise.

To learn more about the project

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