In-Tour: First Italian Master for Inlcusive Tourism Manager is underway

July 2022 saw the start of the first Italian Master for Inclusive Tourism Manager, promoted and held by Genoa University, that will last untill next June 2023.

The master is the result of two years’ work on the Erasmus +  In-Tour project, among which also our Foundation is a partner. The partnership worked together to gather specific competences and skills in order to create two new tourism profiles and related curricula, the Inclusive Tourism Frontline Staff (ITFS) and Inclusive Tourism Manager (ITM).
From the existing requirements and new needed skills in such area, partners studied and designed what was missing to IFTS and ITM profiles and curricula, following ECVET criteria (European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training).
Specifically, desirable and to-be-acquired competences were decided and once agreed, were splitted into specific units, organized in Learning Outcomes (LOs) to be achieved. All this keeping in mind that at general level the main goal was and still is to make tourism services more and more accessible and inclusive and to shape the two profiles to be fitting into the present and future working and occupational contexts. 
As first test, Italy, Greece and Germany will host specific pilot courses to train managers and front line staff, and as seen above ithe courses includes also the one promoted by Genoa University just for the manager profile (more info here, italian only:, which started last July. To learn more about the 5 In-Tour pilot courses:
The two profiles and related curricula will be also promoted at European level, in order to support tourism sector within VET (Vocational Edication and Training) framework. 

To learn more about In-Tour project and to the up-to-date progresses and achievements, please check the project website and a promotional video that details the frontline staff profile:

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