Sustainable tourism: kick-off of Herit-Data project

Last 15th of May, in the beautiful Sala Pegaso of Palazzo Strozzi-Sacrati owned by Tuscany Region, the kick-off of Herit-Data project took place. Herit-Data is now officially welcomed within the InterregMed community related to sustainable tourism projects (this program it’s co-funded by EFRD).

The 12 partners are representing 7 Countries: Italy, Spain, France, Croatia, Portugal, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A well equipped team that will work together to protect and promote natural and cultural resources in the Mediterranean area (Axis 3). More specifically, the objective is to enhance sustainability within the developmental policies to provide an increase in efficiency through the valorization of natural resources and cultural heritage in coastal and adjacent maritime areas and of a sustainable and responsible coastal and maritime tourism in the MED area (Objective 3.1).

During the kick-off a brief introduction by representatives of Tuscany Region, which is Project leader, and by Project Officer Lydwine Fontaine was made, followed by a deepening of the activities to be done in the 6 Work PackagesBefore the wrap up of the day and the conclusions, it was time for presentations of other InterregMed projects with whom we have already established connections and a shared capitalization of results is far more than just possible.

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