CD-ETA at “Europe, let’s cooperate” – watch again the live session

A few days ago, on October 5th, INTERREG EUROPE, the interregional cooperation program, published a video recording on its “Latest News Section” website, concerning our five-year European project CD ETA, which will be concluded by March 2021.

The news refer to the online event “Europe, Let’s Cooperate! – Interreg Europe helping regions to face the Covid-19 crisis”, which took place on June 9th 2020; on that occasion, in a short 7 minute speaking slot, Franca Fauci, as a CD-ETA representative, presented the following main good practices:

The first two good practices, taken as model for transfer, were included in the Action Plan of the Patrasso University and presented to the Regional Council of Western Greece, which took them into account in a call for projects aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises operating within the “Creative Industries”.

The third good practice inspired our Pilot Action carried out in collaboration with the Estonian War Museum, whose main objective consists in increasing the use of 3D modeling to boost cooperation between museums and creative cultural industries

Click the link and listen to Franca to find out more about

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