Globalisation, human capital, regional growth and the 4th industrial revolution – Makers Project in Bologna

Globalisation, human capital, regional growth and the 4th industrial revolution”. This the title of the International Conference that took place last 20th of October in Bologna, Italy, and was organized by Emilia Romagna Region. The focus of the event was on the role of human capital and territories, especially regarding the potential these areas have to strengthen and give new shapes to their competitivity, keeping in mind the global scenario, where radical changes are becoming faster and more common.

During the Conference, where Italian and international speakers were invited to contribute to the theme, results from H2020 Makers project (Smart Manufacturing for EU Growth and Prosperity) were presented by Professor Marco Bellandi, Industrial Economy and Politics teacher at University of Florence, who collaborates with the Foundation to the project. His speech “Territorial policies for industrial renaissance and innovation” was about technology transformations and new challenges, deepening the topic related to local productive systems made by SMEs.

Professor Lisa de Propris, Regional Economic Development teacher at University of Birmingham (UK), was one of the other speakers at the Conference. She is Project Coordinator of H2020 Makers Project and her speech was about “Disruptive Industry 4.0”, both in general and connected to Makers Project. She highlighted the need to adopt a more extended and inclusive concept of I4.0, so to be able to link and adapt it to the multiple situations and the consequent european challenges coming from approach.




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