Here we go: Herit-Data
This is the name of a new european project won by a partnership made of sevaral public and private entities from Italy (among the others, our Foundation!), Spain, Croatia, France, Portugal, plus 4 member Regions at IMC (InterMediterranean Commission): Tuscany, Valencia, Occitane, West Greece. Tuscany Region is the leading partner of the project, which goes under the InterregMeg program and it’s co-finanaced by European Regional Development Fund (ERFD), with the aim to stimulate cooperation and sharing of experiences within Mediterranean area. The project itself is in the axe 3, natural and cultural resources, theme sustainable tourism, and represents the Specific Objective 3.1 which fosters the development of a sustainable and responsible maritime and costal tourism.
The partnership attended to the second call for modular projects together with other 50 proposals (the total amount was 147, the other 96 were for singol projects, as the InterregMed web site states here). From the initial 51 proposals, just 13 came to the final phase, with the following results:
- 5 were approved
- 5 weren’t approved
- 3 were approved under conditions
A great success considering that we managed to be in that 15% (or 10% if we consider just the approved ones with no conditions) of projects who won after a long selection process (almost 6 months!).
The kick-off will be in March/April 2018 and will keep goinig for the next four years.
To know more about the project please have a look here (english version soon available)