Herit-Data and Vector, four days of events in France

From 20th until 23rd of November we went in France to attend several European and regional events, where we had the chance to know more about other European InterregMed projects and to promote in turn Herit-Data and Vector project, of which we are partner.

Starting from the beginning of the 4 days spent in France, on 20th and 21st of November we attended a Capitalization Event of InterregMed projects from the Sustainable Tourism Community. It was held in Marseille and organized by horizontal BleuTourMed project. The goal of such event, splitted in two calls before each subsequent event, is to create a policy fachtsheet to be addressed on multiple levels. We attended the 2° (over four) Working Group related to the reduction of environmental-cultural-social impacts of tourism in the Mediterranean region, where we represented Herit-Data project. Other HD project partners were involved in the other three Working Groups. The two-days meeting were used to discuss about target definition, main problems to be addressed in the factsheets, key messages to be presented and development of the factsheet structure.

On the 22nd of November Region Occitanie invited us to attend to the European Tourism Innovation Campus, a regional event which was held in Montpellier. We were with other international speakers to talk about our experience in tourism innovation, and specifically we talked about our Erasmus+ project Vector-Tourism, where public-private partnerships from three different countries and coordinated by our Foundation joined to design, develop and test a pilot course on a new innovative curriculum for the Destination Manager. To have more information about it, please visit the official website of the project (http://vector-tourism.net).

At last, on the the 23rd of November, still in Montpellier, we’ve attended the 3rd Stakeholder Meeting of Herit-Data project, together with the other 10 project partners coming from Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia and Erzegovina, Greece and with the project leader Tuscany Region. By far the project progresses involve the development of WP3 studying, with a deepening of mass tourism impacts in Med area and the identification of new/already existing data and methods to collect them homogeneously.  This study is preparatory for the WP4, which aims to develop and test an ICT tool to help Public Administrations and policy makers in the decision making process for tourism management. To know more about Herit-Data please visit the official website (https://herit-data.interreg-med.eu/).


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