Herit-Data at the 2nd Community Building Workshop

Last 25th February Herit-Data project, represented by some of its partners, attended to 2nd Community Building Workshop, held online and organized by Sustainable Tourism Community, the Horizontal Project collecting all the modular projects related to tourism within the Interreg MED program.

The event foresaw the attendance of almost 80 attendees. A part of the event was dedicated to introduce different projects and objectives, and Herit-Data was presented by Chiara from our Foundation in two sessions:

  1. Presentation of first results from the ST Community’s ongoing projects, with 9 projects  presented.
  2. COVID-19 impact: projects adaptation, challenges & opportunities, with 11 projects perspective presented.

In the first session Herit-data highlighted some of the results achieved so far by the project and the next steps awaiting. The project contributed also in the session of covid-19 impacts, detailing how project results can be an opportunity for the tourism sector. Specifically, it described more in detail the new results developed: data collection to analyze safety measures and social distancing, the analysis of proximity tourism and business travels as the new frontier for local marketing and new touristic itineraries, nudging experience to consolidate the efforts on local marketing by addressing alternative attractions in nearby areas, sentiment analysis to monitor events and experiences through social media analysis of specific keywords to be set and tested in advance.

It was acknowledged during the meetings that digitalization and sustainability are two key aspects for ensuring a better recovery of the tourism sector, facing the covid-19 crisis.

The workshop was meant to update the Community on the progresses made and on the resilience of the projects in order to adapt to different “normality” in tourist areas, but was also the chance for Sustainable Tourism Community to present the transferring and capitalizing activities they are developing for the modular projects (like Herit-Data), in order to maximize project results and spread them across the MED Community.

More information about the next meetings with the Sustainable Tourism Community will come soon.

To stay updated on Herit-Data progresses, subscribe to the project monthly e-flash here, or read March e-flash here.

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