Herit-Data survey is available


As reported in the latest Herit-Data news on our website, the project partners have designed and developed a survey. What for? Since one of the main aims of the project is to build an ICT open platform to use smart open data, the survey is willing to collect useful contributions coming from local tourism stakeholders (tourists as well!) in order to help designing the platform interface.

The survey has a set of general and specific questions that can bring a great contribution to the interface.

The ICT platform is one of the main project outputs. It will manage smart open data and collect information related to the carrying capacity of buildings, overnights, tourism flows, impacts on local communities and much more. These information should be made accessible for everyone, especially for tourism operators, Public Administration and Policy Makers in order to take decisions and quickly react to temporary overcrowding problems.

The time required to answer the survey should be between 15 and 20 minutes, and you can access through the following link:

https://questionarios.unl.pt/index.php?sid=72395&lang=en (english only)


For further information or for doubts related to the survey please contact:



But the news aren’t over yet. Lately several video on Herit-Data youtube channel have been published and one of them features our colleague Chiara when she was in Lisbon, during the 5th Steering Committee of the project. At that time, a team of videomakers hired by project partner AVITEM shot short videos in order to let the 11 partners explain in a few words what’s their role in the project and what are they planning to do with the platform.

Enjoy the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXvMHvkcO3g

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