Herit-Data – towards the end of the second year fo the project

Time to evaluate what has been done so far on Herit-Data project, before the end of the second year (January 2020). Herit-data belongs to InterregMed 3.2 axis – sustainable tourism. The activities related to the development of an ICT platform are proceeding, and from may 2019 (after the end of the studying phase and the beginning of the testing phase) the exchange and interaction activities with the partners have boosted under the common goal to build a platform and find the right tools to collect new data in the pilot sites.

Last October in Caparica (Portugal) the 5th Steering Group meeting took place. Together with all the partners there was a team of journalists and video makers, invited by AVITEM, who took the chance to register short videos of the partners explaining their own activities and roles, like short pills to describe some of the many faces of the Mediterranean area.  During the Steering Group Regione Toscana presented the sentiment analysis tool: an instrument to be used on selected social networks to analyze the comments and the general mood on a specific topic. In this specific case the theme is related to satisfaction level of tourists/residents in certain cities/areas. The tool will be tested and then used in the areas of the pilot sites (from the est to the west: Olympia, Mostar, Dubrovnik, Florence, Pont du Gard, Valencia). The portuguese partner, Lisbon Nova University, detailed the last updates in the development of a survey putted in place by them, our Foundation, Regione Toscana ad IC Prostor. All the partners were involved in the review of the same and actively contributed to give feedbacks and suggestions. The survey is open to all, but mostly to the stakeholders involved in the tourism sector. The link to participate to the survey (available only in english, with a duration of approximately 15 minutes) and to know more about its aim is the following:


In October 2019 the italian partners of Herit-Data (FRI and Regione Toscana) joined the Internet Festival-the rules of the game in Pisa. There they presented/disseminated the first results of the project, starting from the general objectives of a better and more sustainable tourism management to then entering in the technical activities: the studying and testing phase to obtain a platform that uses smart open data and the sperimentation of the sentiment analysis on social networks.


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