Makers project is officially closed

On 31st of December 2018 Makers project (Smart Manufacturing for EU Growth and Prosperity) officially closed. It was financed under the Horizon 2020 – Marie-Curie Action program, University of Birmingham in Uk was project leader and we were one of the partners involved in a transnational network made by Universities, European and extra-european research centers and companies.

In the three years of the project, started in January 2016, researchers and innovation players had the chance to face benefits and threats of technology transformations set off by new 4.0 enabling technologies. This trade-off analysis is something companies and territories in Europe are facing or are about to do in the upcoming future.    

The Foundation for Research and Innovation took an active part in the debate thanks to the contribution of Professor Marco Bellandi (Scientific manager of the project on behalf of our Foundation), Simona Ciappei and Chiara Guiggiani, who were seconded at University of Birmingham, and researcher Erica Santini, seconded at University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. In turn, the Foundation hosted:

  • Lisa De Propris, Professor at University of Birmingham,
  • Paulina Ramirez, Researcher at University of Birmingham,
  • Claudia Vecciolini, Researcher at University of Birmingham,
  • Christina Chaminade, Professor at University of Lund, Sweden,
  • David Bailey, Professort at Aston University, UK.

In May 2018 the Foundation hosted project partners for a workshop named “Upgrading strategies and trajectories for clusters, districts and regions”, where local representatives from academic, political and business world attended. To know more about this event and all the life of the project, please go to our project page or on Makers website.

At the following link it’s possible to find all the deliverables and project publications, A final book related to project results will be soon available for free download.

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