Next October, 28th DOROTHY project (Funded by the EC Regions Of Knowledge program) will held, in Valencia, a policy event focused on Urban Logistics. The DOROTHY project has been working for the last 2 years on urban logistics and economic development, at the benefit of the four project’s partners Regions: Toscana (IT), Valencia Region (ES), Lisbon and Tagus Valley (PT) and Oltenia (RO). Four specialised Clusters, collecting industries (especially SMEs), research institutes and public administrations, three of which have been created in as much Regions during the Project, joined forces with the DOROTHY team to enhance the effectiveness of the actions undertaken. The Regional Clusters have also elaborated a set of innovative proposals for qualifying the state of urban logistics, achieving economic, social and environmental benefits and collected them in a JAP – Joint Action Plan.

The DOROTHY Valencia event will gather representatives from regional and municipal governments, EU institutions, business, RTD bodies and NGOs and will represent a great opportunity for discussing the future perspectives of urban logistics and of the companies and institutions operating in this field in the Regions, starting from the proposals elaborated by the DOROTHY Project. It will also be a key starting point in order to build a fruitful future cooperation among the four DOROTHY’s regions at different levels; for this reason during the event, a cooperation agreement among the four regional innovation clusters will be signed too. Representatives of municipalities and regional policy makers will participate to the round table on these topics.

The program features a keynote by Mr. Olivier Brunet, EU representative, about innovative clusters in urban logistics, smart specialization and synergies in the implementation of innovation strategies: the way forward from a European perspective. The afternoon sessions will also present some interesting projects, mainly from the Valencia Region. Moreover, other related EU projects will present their work so to capitalize potential links between the Clusters and these significant European experiences.


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