Vector Project on ECVET Magazine
ECVET Magazine, n° 28, came out last June. ECVET stands for European Credit System for Vocational Education&Training and has its own Magazine that promotes the development of skills and qualifications for people within EU to increase chances to succeed in their careers and personal lives.
Mobility is one of the EU world most known marks thanks to Erasmus+ program, which this year is celebrating it’s 30th anniversary. But mobility is also what actually makes the afore-mentioned skills agenda increase and grow. As a direct consequence, European projects like VET –Vocational Education and Training- have the responsibility to give open minded views and value added experiences so to help people to easily move and travel around different countries, which means that at the same there have to be inter-nation ad hoc cooperation policies. ECVET Magazine is then an instrument to ease this process while promoting activities coming from ECVET world.
In last month Magazine there is an article related to Vector –A Vocational and Educational Curriculum Design on Tourism- Project. Back in January 2017 Project Coordinator, Marco Scerbo from Foundation for Research and Innovation, was interviewed by ECVET Secretariat, Michela Vecchia.
The aim of the project is to define a high skilled professional profile of “Destination Manager (DM)”, a profile that is capable of proposing strategies aiming at managing, enhancing and promoting tourist destinations in an integrated perspective with the objective to decrease the shortage of qualified professionals in the tourism sector.
After the identification of the Destination Manager profile according to ECVET principles ad technicalities, it was necessary to adapt its curriculum to EQF –European Qualifications Framework- level 5. The focus of the interview is then on the following topics:
- How to identify a training path with relevant results to create a curriculum
- How to create consistency between the results of learning process and EQF level 5, so to help the participants to easily move through other training courses and levels (e.g. VET and HE)
This is just to tease you… you can learn more about ECVET Magazine and read the interview by clicking the link below. It starts at page 19!