Destination Manager, an innovative curriculum in tourism sector. Project Vector comes to an end

An innovative curriculum in the tourism sector, plus a new profile within the Tuscany Region Register of Professions. Goals achieved thanks to the Destination Manager profile!

Not an easy challenge, but more than three years of Vector project have passed, and it’s time to sum up the results. An innovative idea was the start of this adventure, that ended up in a transversal profession able to create virtuous synergies and to complement knowledge in different fields, so to better manage, promote and sell the local tourist product. This initiative was awarded by the European Commission within the “Eramus + – Sector Skills Alliance” call for proposals. It’s a good example of how the gathering of stakeholders, education experts and sector experts is able to build new training experiences and new professions in key sectors of a specific territory.

A huge praise to the whole consortium for the work done so far: to the Foundation for Research and Innovation for its leading role, to the Interuniversity Center for Torusim Researches of the University of Florence, to Tuscany Region and TUV Thueringen Italia, and to all the other 8 partners from Spain and Portugal. All together, the partnership managed to build an on-line licensed training path, which has become a role model.

An even greater praise to the 24 students from Italy, Spain and Portugal, who were selected and admitted to attend the pilot course (90% of which was held through an e-learning platform): thanks to them it was possible to test and license the methodology used. Following this success, a Standard and a training curriculum were created. The curriculum was built to develop specific skills and learning outcomes, confirming it as a model to be used again for other similar experiences.

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